Thursday 19 April 2012

Sculpture Project Part 2

I began the second half of my project by making this piece. Initially I planned on just getting a pillow with wax dripping off of it, to tie in with my previous piece, like someone sweating this substance in their sleep. instead i took out the stuffing and let the wax obscure and freeze the pillowcases' shape, like it's taking years of this substance dripping on it.

Because I didn't use the stuffing from the pillow I put it in a plastic bag and decided I would use this as my next piece. The inner structure of the material in the bag had an interesting form that I could look at in more detail.

These are photocopies of the stuffing inside the plastic bags. It gives us a great 2D image of the 3D insides of the filled space. The shapes in this inspired me to create a piece with similar texture, shape and dips as we see in this picture,

Using plastic bags which have been inflated an constricted with twine and wire in certain ways I created this piece which has depths and textures similar to the scans. In the centre is a wire mesh with the plastic bags attached to that. The inflated bags are tied closely together. This process gives the image of one large object with many contours and dips rather than many seperate objects.

Monday 2 April 2012

Sculpture Project Part 1

The brief we received about our Sculpture project for the next few weeks was about re-thinkng and re-engineering the human body.

The first of the concepts i looked at was the removal of toxins from the body. What if the body got rid of all toxins and poisons in the body through the skin? Like trails of gunk from peoples bodies. This re-think of how the body could work lead to these dripping objects. with a pale, off white substance dripping off them. They were made by getting thick twine, tripling it up and tying it at both ends. I then get a cup, fill it with wax, let it cool for a while so that when it pours, it becomes solid before it drips.

These stalagmite like formations continued on to a idea I had where the substance appeared to be flowing from a persons pores. The textures are what i am going for. They're gloopy and strectch towards the ground with movement.The largest of these is covered in Vaseline to give it a slimier, slippy and shiny texture.

The fingers are distorted, the puss coloured substance has no single source but rather comes from everywhere at once. the fingers are distorted, as if moved by the pressure of the liquid inside the hand.

The second piece is also of a hand but with intact fingers. It is also a plaster arm but with plastic bags and wax covering it. It has a covering which is trying to contain the outpouring of liquid.