Monday, 27 February 2012

A Hail Of Bullets- Graphic design Typography project

I started my typography project by looking at possible wordplay within the metaphor 'A Hail of Bullets'  The word hail could also be used in the weather sense with the word 'Bullets' being the hail that's falling

I also made an animation where the word bullet is being fired from the word of. A Hail of makes up the figure of the man in this picture.

Also playing on the more literal meaning of Hail of Bullets I made a bullet hole version of the metaphor.

I also looked at playing around with the lettering like i saw in a graphic design magazine where the I from hail drops down to become the second L of bullets

Another offset from the hail and weather connection was the use of the words 'A Hail of'' as the cloud and bullets in very small size to represent the hail.

My final idea is the words 'Hail' and Bullets' in a different colour which changes the meaning of the metaphor to a statement about the addiction to power and power of firearms. The words Hail Bullets are faintly behind to symbolise a type of subliminal messaging which is used to create a fascination with guns and their power to kill

Thursday, 9 February 2012


As part of my printmaking elective project I looked at the barries and fences which define the spaces we live in and restricts our movement within them.

I took photos of nearby car parks, the gate from my apartment cmplex to the street, the fence surrounding a rugby pitch and a gate leading to some overgrown vines and plants. My idea was to use the bars in the front of the pictures in the prints over the backgrounds.

I set about monoprints working of these photos with different layers and colours on each to try to create depth and a feeling of the objects behind the bars being out of reach.

I also looked at the outside view of a barrier around a window of an apartment. Although it's meant to protect those inside, when viewed from outside it looks like it's trapping them inside.

For my mini project on clutter I looked at objects crammed together.

I based my prints off the 3rd photograph.

 The first two we're just etching with the bottom two being mono printswithe the etching printed over.